Addis Ababa City Administration Communication Bureau

As the head of the Government Communication Bureau, it is both an honor and a responsibility to serve as the bridge between our government and the citizens.

ተጨማሪ ያግኙ

Addis Ababa Communication Burea

As the head of the Government Communication Bureau, it is both an honor and a responsibility to serve as the bridge between our government and the citizens.

ተጨማሪ ያግኙ


ለሚፈለጉ ሰዎች የቅርብ ጊዜ እንቅስቃሴዎች ዜና

ተጨማሪ ዜና

ዋና ዋና ዜናዎችን ያስሱ

ምንም አልተገኘም.

Addis Ababa Communication Bureau


Building a communication system with a close, fast and distribution culture
Clear information using various communication tools; Playing the leader in the sectors and connecting the government and the people with the supply


Building a strong data-driven communication system; Creating
He actively participated and made Addis Ababa the capital in Africa.
Year 2030!


Accountability: Diversity: Transparency: Integrity
Creating consensus: Respecting the value of time
Playing a leading role in image building

Do you have request? Call or visit us.

ስልክ: +251118127731


Piassa, Addis Ababa